Hello, and welcome to my blog! Here's what you can expect here -- social commentaries, which can include, but not be limited to, politics, religion, cats, dogs, nature, silly stuff and whatever else I decide to write about!
Hopefully, you'll think it interesting enough to read and add your own comments -- I'll look forward to reading them! There will be fewer standards for posting -- anything is pretty much on the table, but, if it's abusive or offensive, or out of bounds as far as common decency, it will be pulled.
Hopefully, you'll think it interesting enough to read and add your own comments -- I'll look forward to reading them! There will be fewer standards for posting -- anything is pretty much on the table, but, if it's abusive or offensive, or out of bounds as far as common decency, it will be pulled.
At 10:05 AM, Lisa said…
The only reason we stayed with AOL is because we've had it so long and it would be such a hassle to let all involved know that we have changed our e-mail addies.
I haven't visited the "usual message boards" for about two months now, and I find I don't really miss them at all. I've been seeking out other sites for "civil" political discussion, but also decided I needed a place where I could record my own thoughts, and invite other like-minded individuals to join in.
When we first joined AOL (when Steve Case was still there), it's quality and service was much, much better. Since he's left it's definitely gone downhill.
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