
The inner workings of the sophisticated and complex mind of a babyboomer who became a hippie/flowerchild, then became a soldier, and is now a patriot fighting for truth and justice! ;-) Animals, life, politics, religion, science, and whatever else might be on my mind!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The History Channel had an interesting series on Sunday night entitled "Revolution." It was several one-hour segments about the events leading up to the Revolutionary War and those events changed the lives of many, many people. It's been a long time since I studied US History, so I relearned and also learned quite a bit watching it.

Several things really struck a resonant chord in me as I considered the events that happened all those years ago and what is happening in this country now at the hands of Bushco.
It was interesting to learn that, at that time, the Crown considered the colonies to be upstarts and also insurgents. The loyalists vs. the "freedom" fighters didn't trust each other until the British, assisted by the Hessians decided to "occupy" the colonies -- taking what they needed with respect to food, clothing and other supplies and started wreaking havoc amongst the colonists. There were also incidents of sexual assaults.

The larger point here is that these events, individually and collectively motivated a divided people to rise up and fight the invaders -- the British and the Hessians.

Now, here we are -- all these years later under the misleadership of Bushco doing the same exact thing to the people of Iraq. Is it any wonder there is an insurgency there? Is it any wonder that they want us to leave? Is it any wonder that the occupiers are being killed by the natives?

Just this morning, out of curiosity, I looked up the member countries of the UN. The countries of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran are all long-time members of the UN -- almost since its inception. I can still somewhat morally justify to myself our/UN military action in Afghanistan (although I still wonder why when the Taliban said they WOULD turn OBL over Bush didn't accept the offer). In fact, we had the support of other countries. However, Iraq is not justifiable in any way, shape or form. Iran will not be justifiable either if Bush doesn't adhere to international law.

My question now is: When will Bushco be apprehended, charged and tried for international war crimes? They are guilty of war crimes and should be treated as such and afforded the same "respect" that other war criminals are afforded.

We should send each and every one of the Bushistas who were participatory in any way in this illegal War on Iraq to Gitmo and let them bunk with the uncharged "enemy combatants" who are being detained there.

That would be KARMA.

(This was written on July 3d and appeared in today's Buzzflash Mailbag, Part 2)


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