
The inner workings of the sophisticated and complex mind of a babyboomer who became a hippie/flowerchild, then became a soldier, and is now a patriot fighting for truth and justice! ;-) Animals, life, politics, religion, science, and whatever else might be on my mind!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Yo Bush! Listen Up!

There are still lots of questions that need to be answered by the Bush Administration about things that have happened on their watch that I haven’t heard of or read of being asked. So, in the pursuit of truth, here they are:

1. Bush, why didn’t you take the Clinton administrations warnings about al-Queda being a serious threat seriously?
2. Bush, why did you say you don’t believe the US military should be used for nation building (alluding to the Balkans), then turn right around and do that?
3. Bush, why did you say we were going to get Osama dead or alive and then abandon that in less than six months?
4. Bush, why didn’t you listen to the CIA briefers who went to Crawford to brief you in August 2001 about the threat of a terrorist attack? Instead you went fishing.
5. Bush, why, when the Taliban offered to turn OBL over upon seeing the evidence against him, did you refuse to show them that evidence?
6. Following up on question 5, is it because there WAS no evidence?
7. Bush, when US troops in Afghanistan had OBL in their sights in Tora Bora, did you turn the “capture” over to other troops?
8. Bush, were you ever serious about obtaining justice for 9-11?
9. Bush, why did you lie when you said you have “been to war and raised twins, and you rather go to war? We all know you have never been to war.
10. Bush, why did you say we had to go to war in Iraq because Hussein wouldn’t let the inspectors in? They were there and had been there since November of 2001 inspecting sites that had formerly been off limits.
11. Bush, what really happened on 9-11? Why wasn’t it investigated by the FBI? What were you trying to hide?
12. Bush, why did you stonewall the 9-11 Commission? Don’t you think if we have analyzed what happened and why it happened it would have enhanced our ability to better safeguard our country?
13. Bush, why do you continue to compromise our national security by not taking actions to enhance port security? Why do you not enhance effective airport security? Why do you enhance security at our nuclear plants?
14. Bush, why do you refuse to testify in front of Congress in public? Why do you refuse to be placed under oath? Is it because you are a liar and you’re going to perjure yourself?
15. Bush, why did you try to smear Joe Wilson for telling the truth about Niger and yellowcake? Why did you authorize the leaking of Valerie Plame’s name to journalists?
16. Bush, why should we trust you? You have consistently proven to be liar and a deceiver of the highest order?
17. Bush, why do you say you’re a Christian? Have you ever heard of The Beatitudes – you know that one, don’t you? It’s Jesus’ most famous synopsis of how a Christian should conduct himself.

Well, George, that’s it for right now – but I reserve the right, after listening to you bumble and stumble your way through these, to ask you more questions. By the way, would you mind if I hook you up to a polygraph first?


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