How Much Crazier?
How much crazier than this administration get? Seriously, are the people in charge right now the very best of Ivy League educations? The very best of people who have at a minimum a master's degree and in some cases Ph.Ds? Bush has an MBA (supposedly)from Yale; Rumsfeld attended an Ivy League school. Condi didn't, but she does have a Ph.D. in political science. You would think with all these hot shot degrees we would people with some semblance of intelligence and maturity in the things they say and do, but they don't, and thus we don't. I yearn for the days when America was a country I could take pride in and believe in. I yearn for the days when we had Presidents who could speak contemporaneously and intelligently at the same time. One thing I have to give Clinton credit for is that he was very intelligent, knew how to be diplomatic, and could speak for hours without tripping over his tongue. What has happened to our country? Some people say we elected them. No, we didn't. I am still, if not more firmly, of the belief that they stole the 2000 election, did the same in 2004, and will try to do it again this fall. That thought scares me to death. It will take our country, and the world for that matter, decades to recover from the damage that has happened under Bush.
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